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Welcome to RSA's Partner and Dealer Blog

Learn about production print workflow, in-plants, and our solutions in these articles tailored for RSA partners, dealers, and channels who work or are interested in the production print space.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 23 April 2024

Leveraging the Benefits of Variable Data Printing for Effective Fundraising and Enrollment in Higher Education

Variable data printing (VDP) has emerged as a useful tool in the higher education market, particularly for fundraising and enrollment, enabling organizations to personalize their materials to engage with their audiences more effectively. As a reseller of RSA software, that tool is in your toolbox with ImpactVDP, RSA’s variable data printing solution.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 19 December 2023

The Road to Sales Success: Sell More Software by Leveraging Production Print Trends

The world of production print is in a constant state of flux, with new technologies, solutions, and market dynamics shaping how commercial printers and in-plants operate. For resellers of Rochester Software Associates solutions, recognizing these trends is crucial to effectively serving your customers and boosting sales.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 24 October 2023

ImpactVDP 3.2: The Future of Variable Data Printing

With the addition of new capabilities, it is time to stop viewing ImpactVDP as a traditional VDP tool but as an imposition, creation, and upload tool that brings greater efficiencies and capabilities to print centers and commercial print shops. 

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 25 July 2023

Summertime Selling: Three Cures for the Summertime Sales Blues

There is no better cure for the summertime blues than a sale, so don’t let the heat and summertime lulls prevent you from reaching out to prospects and existing clients. Read this post for three cures to maximize your sales efforts and achieve successful outcomes even during the summer lull.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 22 June 2023

Plant Seeds Today to Sell More Production Print Software in the Future

Selling production print software is like tending a garden. It can be a longer sales cycle with steps along the way from planning, selecting correct seed, nurturing, fertilizing, and watering to enjoy the bounty of the harvest in the form of a sale. By following a process like a gardener and cultivating customer relationships you can have a rewarding outcome.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 21 March 2023

The Perfect Software for Every Print Operation

Looking for a software solution with broad appeal for all your print operations customers? Here are four reasons ReadyPrint prepress suite is the perfect software you should always be ready to talk about with your customers and prospects.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 24 January 2023

10 Tips to Maintain a Positive Sales Attitude

Rejection is a big part of sales; the challenge is not to let it bring you down because success could be right around the corner. Ready our 10 Tips to keep a positive sales attitude.

  • Blog Post
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  • Rochester Software Associates
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  • 14 December 2022

Sell One More Thing to the Customer Who Has Everything

There is still one more software solution that you can offer a customer who has everything. When that “everything” is a mix of different brands of production printers, why not discuss ReadyPrint universal prepress software?

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