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  • White Paper
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  • 14 May 2024

RSA's Blueprint for Secure Operations: A Guide for In-plants and PSPs

The Rochester Software Associates (RSA) InfoSec team takes a Defense in Depth position on Information Security, leveraging multiple security measures to protect both the organization and customer assets. The team integrates people, technology, and operational capabilities to establish variable barriers across multiple layers. This white paper explores each layer of RSA’s security protocols, to explore the measures RSA takes to keep customer information secure.

  • Research Report
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  • 07 May 2024

The Changing Face of eCommerce and What it Means for In-plants

Download our free report on 'The Changing Face of eCommerce and What it Means for In-plants' to discover how consumer demographics shape e-commerce expectations and strategies for in-plants. Gain insights to tailor your offerings and meet evolving market demands.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 07 May 2024

11 Innovative Strategies to Overcome In-Plant Staffing Issues: Part 1

Hiring employees has become increasingly challenging for in-plants. As older employees retire, younger generations — including Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Y — are becoming more and more difficult to draw in. But with a clearer idea of what these generations are looking for, and by introducing new programs and tactics that align with those needs, in-plants can begin to make their businesses more appealing for young hires.  

The first in a two-part series, this blog post looks at six of 11 recommendations on how to do that. 

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 12 September 2023

How to Use ChatGPT to Support Your Business

ChatGPT opens up new opportunities for businesses—but only if it’s leveraged effectively. This blog explores how in-plant printers can make the most out of artificial intelligence while avoiding common pitfalls like plagiarism and inaccuracies. Through trial and error and some established best practices, printers can use ChatGPT to enhance its customer service efforts, by building out answers to frequently asked questions and creating templated responses to common requestswhile escalating more high-level requests to the humans.

  • Online interview
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  • 14 February 2023

Increased Efficiency Builds Trust

Methodist Healthcare San Antonio discusses how WebCRD increases print center efficiency, reduces costs, and improves turnaround, which helps keep work in-house. The workflow automation has become the equivalent of a full-time employee (FTE), freeing the manager and staff for more responsibilities.

  • Blog Post
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  • Elisha Kasinskas
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  • 15 July 2022

Spotlight: The Secret to Steve DuPlessis’s Success

Steve DuPlessis of XBS Southwest’s presence at the recent IPMA conference was unusual. He was there to support his in-plant customers, to learn and educate his team, and be helpful. He is firmly committed to providing the right solution to customers, educates himself (and his team) about customer wants, needs, and trends, and takes advantage of every moment of a conference to meet, learn and grow.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 09 June 2022

Surviving Today’s Challenges to Help Your Recovery

In this post, Howie Fenton previews his IPMA conference presentation designed to help in-plants in your recovery from the last two and a half years. He offers suggestions for dealing with four top issues: declining volumes, hiring new staff, and minimizing complaints about pricing, and the impact of the paper shortage.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 06 May 2022

Print Center Consolidation Stumbling Blocks

Some in-plant print centers, including a university in-plant, survived through the pandemic by consolidating staff, cross-training everyone, and performing more like a nimble, small commercial company where all staff could perform all the shop's tasks. We discuss the motivation, previous in-plant consolidation trends, and five stumbling blocks to consider if you need to plan for the consolidation of staff or services.

  • eBook
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  • IPMA Webinar
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  • 09 December 2021

Print Center IT Security Checklist

Learn how to keep your print center secure on an on-going basis or when you add, change, or upgrade printers or printing software solutions in your shop. Download our free "Print Center IT Security Checklist" for in-plant print centers to find out how you can keep your print operation secure and your cybersecurity team happy.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 09 December 2021

3 Strategies to Prepare for Next Year’s New Challenges

Research shows that not only will we continue to experience supply chain and staffing issues in the coming year, we could also experience customer pushback about price increases and slower turnaround times. In the worst-case scenario, this could result in questions about the value of print or, worse, the value of the in-plant. This article will discuss the threats and offer three strategies to overcome them.

  • Online Interview
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  • 23 July 2020

Chino Valley Schools Navigates Change with WebCRD Automation

In this video interview with Chino Valley Schools, the in-plant shares how they were ready to navigate the changes during COVID-19 using WebCRD Web to print and the AutoFlow automation to keep the in-plant efficient and operational with reduced staff and 100% online submission eliminating in-person contact.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 27 January 2020

Nine Steps to In-plant Profitability

In this vlog, I start a three-part series about the nine steps that I see that in-plants need to take to increase their profitability. While not every in-plant has a model to be profitable, in-plants can use these steps to ensure they are not losing money or operating below cost, and are operating as efficiently as possible for their parent organization.

  • Blog Post
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  • Ryan McAbee
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  • 19 December 2019

Three Workflow Resolutions for 2019

This quarter, Keypoint Intelligence - InfoTrends' Ryan McAbee, Director, Production Workflow offers three tips for workflow resolutions to make in 2019. We'll visit each of these in-depth throughout the year to help keep you on track.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 10 December 2019

Seven Ideas for Creative Problem Solving and Five Examples

The idea for this post came from answers to interviews in a recent IPMA research report that shows how some in-plant leaders are trying new answers to old questions. This article describes five “out of the box” solutions in-plants have used and offers seven ways to help you get outside your “box.”

  • Print 2019
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  • 31 October 2019

In-Plant Panel: Futurists VS Dinosaurs

A panel of three in-plant print center leaders share how to be a futurist versus a dinosaur. Hear what makes them futurists, their advice to be a futurist, get their best practices and tips for capitalizing on new opportunities and new technology, and learn how they proactively adapt and position their in-plant print centers to avoid extinction like the dinosaurs.

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 15 August 2019

Trends for In-Plants to Address in 2020

Trends for In-Plants to Address in 2020 As we approach the end of the year it is worthwhile to consider the trends that we see this year and consider how we will address them. This is the first in a series of blogs examining these trends and how to plan for next year with these

  • Blog Post
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  • Howie Fenton
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  • 18 July 2019

Preliminary Results of In-plant Survey Show Strength

Preliminary Results of In-plant Survey Show Strength. At the recent IPMA conference in Louisville, Kentucky we released the preliminary results from the 2019 "The Next Generation Tactics and Strategies for In-Plant Service Providers" survey. The results are some of the best data for in-plants reported in decades: 81% reported they met their financial objectives last

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