- Panel Introduction
- What is it about your operation that makes you so successful, and what is it that contributes to it?
- What was the light bulb moment for you that had the greatest impact on the success of your operation?
- What have you tried that did not work, and how did you move forward?
- How are you demonstrating strategic value to the organization so that closing you is not an option?
- What is your biggest challenge?
- What is the number one change you plan for next year?
- What do's and don'ts do you see in an ever tightening budget/reorganizations?
- What one key piece of advice do you have for other in-plants?
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Panelists discuss the topic: What is the number one change you plan for next year?
Watch and learn how 4 top in-plants make their print centers successful as they provide their insights at our Graph Expo 2012 panel session. Listen as they discuss their answers to questions covering:
- What makes them successful
- The greatest impact on their success
- What didn't work and how they moved forward
- Demonstrating strategic value and keeping relevant
- Biggest challenges
- Future changes for improvement
- Do's and Don'ts
- General Advice
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About this Presentation
Presented At: Graph Expo 2012
Moderators: Elisha Kasinskas (Rochester Software Associates)
Panelists: Jimmy Friend (UNT), Debbie Gallagher (State of Oregon), Gene Voelker (Parkeview Health, IN), and Phil Larson (Shepherd OK, formerly American Fidelity [AFPress] and grafaccent)