- Elisha Kasinskas
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- December 13, 2013
Sixth in the nine video in-plant panel series of four in-plant leaders discussing their success secrets, this week's video covers a topic of great interest --- the biggest challenge in-plant leaders face.
What is Your Greatest Challenge?

Abbas Badani of Penn State faces resistance to change, particularly among those with influence in the organization. Mike Lincoln, Colorado State Printer, is challenged with gaining administration understanding of the print center, what it does for the state, and why investing in new technology and leveraging existing datastreams with other initiatives is beneficial. Progressive's Tom Rorhbach is trying to maximize and balance the existing Creative and IT teams and deliver high quality product with reduced staffing. Watch the quick five minute video to see what other issues these in-plant leaders face.
Watch this Blog for more of the Panel Series, or View the Entire In-Plant Print Center Leader Video Series.
Learn more in these short videos from the in-plant panel of these Insurance, Higher Education, Government and Healthcare in-house print center leaders. Interested in other topics? View the entire in-plant print center leader video series collection of nearly 50 videos to watch top in-plant prints share their secrets of success, discuss how they add value, grow volume, automate, save and more.