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Panelists share unique customer service suggestions. Treat negatives as opportunities for your department, provide ‘radical’ customer service, say “yes!” when others say “no,” SOS—see it, own it, solve it.
Four top in-plant print centers in Banking, Non-Profit, Education and Media share the ideas and thoughts that have helped their in-plants reach new heights. From a panel presentation at the annual IPMA "Reaching New Heights" conference, these videos cover four topic areas:
- New Technology
- Collaboration
- Customer Service
- Remaining Relevant
Watch and learn how these in-plants "Reach New Heights" using these ideas.

Get the Companion eBook
Download and read the companion eBook containing exclusive ideas and thoughts from four top in-plant print centers in Banking, Non-Profit, Education and Media.
About this Presentation
Presented At: IPMA Conference 2016
Moderators: Elisha Kasinskas (Rochester Software Associates)
Panelists: Robbie Feazel (Federal Home Loan Bank Atlanta), Chelle Palmer (Richland School District), Doug Larsen (Father Flanagan's Boys' Home), and John Cruser (Bloomberg)